Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Referring others is fun!

Over the past three days I have done my share of referring others that I have a trust in and believe in their work. These referrals are all in the name of goodwill (I am not compensated in anyway). It gives me great satisfaction to know I can connect one person with another and they both benefit. I believe it is better to give than to receive. But when you do give, it will be returned two-fold. But in writing that, I do not expect any return it just happens. People like to work with people who like to work with them.

If you have never given referrals, you should try it! Giving to others is enjoyable and isn't that what referring someone is? You are referring business to them. Another thing starts happening when you refer good people---others look at you as an expert. Word gets out and people think you know everyone or know someone who does. I do not mind that kind of recognition. :)

Carole DeJarnatt
Alliance Advisors, Inc.

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