Friday, July 27, 2007

Making the best of Voicemail

Opportunity knocks in the form of a voicemail. A friend of mine that sells Aflac took the opportunity to educate a few friends this morning on the advantages to be taken when leaving a voicemail. I am not one to coldcall so had never thought about being prepared for leaving voicemails or how to create intrigue by leaving a not so common voicemail.

Here are three steps she recommends to design an intriguing statement:

  1. List a Feature (a fact about your product)~~I offer business advisory and coaching services
  2. What is The Benefit (value to your prospect, what's in it for them)~~We help you to find solutions to the situations that impede your business growth
  3. Now, Make it Intriguing (make them curious, keep it clear and short)~~If I could guarantee positive results or your money is returned, would you be interested in talking?

She also gave 10 advantages to using voice mail but the list is too long to go into here. What I most appreciated was her efforts to bring people together to interact and be a sounding board for others who may make cold calls.

What I took away from it was: Be prepared, Be Upbeat, and Have a message of interest. They may not call you back but if you do make cold calls your chances are better of a return call if you sound like a person who is fun to work with.

Thank you, Becky, for educating this non-coldcalling person about the importance of voicemails.

Carole DeJarnatt
Alliance Advisors, Inc.

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