I recently attended a sales seminar put on by our local Chamber of Commerce. I went because I try to support the efforts of our chamber. I expected the speaker to be mediocre and having been thru sales training in October of last year did not expect it to beneficial.
I was wrong. The speaker was Hal Becker. I was lucky enough to have dinner with him from the night before so had an opportunity to experience his personality, as well as his speaking skills. I would highly recommend him to any company considering sales training. His website is: halbecker.com. He offers tools on his website to help you get better at selling and closing. He is also a customer service speaker but if you are needing one of those give me an opportunity.
Here are three things I wrote down from Hal's presentation:
- Learn your product
- Know the competition
- Work harder (work harder than your competition).
I recognize that these are the basics of selling but most sales people are not taught the basics. They are taught that anyone with a personality can sell and are thrown out on the streets to generate sales for a company. If this is your company, check out Hal's website. He has reading material to offer for free and also has written some books and it might be of interest to you.
There are others out there also that are good and you probably have heard of some but I personally have experienced his technics and recommend checking out his materials. Good luck in your sales processes!
Carole DeJarnatt
Alliance Advisors, Inc.
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