It's time for a change. We have heard this alot during the election last year but this has nothing to do with that. This has to do with my business. I have spent the last three years trying to identify a way to bring in a modest income in hopes of replacing the income from my previous employment.
Three years ago I made the leap from employee to self-employed. A large leap for me since I was the bread winner in the family. Make sure and note the word was. From that time I have not been the bread winner nor am I today, but am extremely happy with everything that has happened in that time, the failures and successes.
This being a new year I have decided to change the direction of my business away from small business coaching more towards online and offline marketing. This past year I spent the majority of my time learning internet marketing and ways to increase traffic to my websites using search engine optimization.
With change creates a need for a new image, perhaps a new business name. I haven't decided on that yet. I had already been in contact with a printer about new business cards but had not designed what I wanted as yet so luck with have it when I was checking my Google reader and a blog I follow,, is having a contest to giveaway free business cards; 1,000 quality business cards for the winner. I want that winner to be me!
If you are like me and are in need of business cards, check out the requirements to enter the contest at Blog Oh Blog. Good luck to all that try and thanks to Blog Oh Blog for hosting.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Changing the Direction of Business
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
7:07 AM
Labels: business cards, contest
Friday, January 9, 2009
Learning Internet Marketing and How To Make Money Online
Last year in February I became an intern of an internet marketing guru, Terry Dean. I was excited at the prospect of learning internet marketing and various possible ways of making money online. The intern program was so beneficial to me in just starting me in knowing some of the directions to head.
This past year I made a little money online but not enough to break the bank, if you know what I mean. It wasn't that I didn't learn anything, I did, but when you learn you have to apply. I think I got overwhelmed at the various sources of information and just came to a standstill.
I purchased programs I haven't completed, I've downloaded files that if I could remember what each were for and listen to them I would probably learn a whole lot more. But one thing I did do that I am still doing today that has been the biggest help to me was join Terry Dean's Monthly Mentor Club.
The first thing that I liked about is the fact that it is not an online newsletter. This newsletter is mailed to you. Normally 11 pages long with detail after detail of what to do and how to do it. He gives you step-by-step instruction on how to succeed in this online world. And again, I hold it in my hand not view it on a screen.
I joined in June of last year and when you join you get bonus items. As I stated before the online world is easy to get overwhelmed so I admit I haven't listened to them all. We made a move in September of last year so I canceled my subscription for a month and missed the newsletter so bad that as soon as I landed in my new homestead I renewed my membership.
Don't just take my word for it, here is a copy of a comment left on Terry's blog about his newsletter:
I subscribe to over 6 different print marketing newsletters, and not one of them even comes close to yours in terms of “showing you exactly what to do”. (And let me just say that the December Adwords bonus revealed the best, most advanced tactics on Google Adwords I’ve ever heard.)
When your newsletter goes out, I check my mail daily in anticipation of when it arrives. When it does come, it’s opened, read, highlighted, and put beside my desk for an immediate action plan.
Dr. Michael Beck
I hope it was okay to use his comment as I saw it as a great testimonial to an awesome monthly newsletter and also an opportunity to let my readers know that what I am stating is agreed upon by others.
If you are trying or struggling to learn how to make money in the online world or just have an interest, you should try his newsletter. It is only $20 a month (well really $19.95). I throw that away just buying junk magazines.
The catch is (this is why I am sharing the information/newsletter with you now) it is only that price through January. In February it is increasing to $29.95 but his current members stay at the lower price. So if you are on the fence about subscribing check out his page and it will tell you more about his newsletter and the many benefits. Click here to learn more and subscribe!
Disclaimer: All the links are affiliate links. I only become an affiliate to products I trust and this is one that I truly believe in.
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
8:56 AM
Labels: internet marketing, newsletter, online marketing
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Creating Your Elevator Speech for More Business in 2009
We are into our first work week of 2009 and if any of you are like me it is time to jump back into the networking groups, meetings, luncheons, and other venues that may bring more possible clients and business growth. This is not one of my favorite things to do, (networking, yuk!) but it is necessary.
I have been at these events so many times and they will go around the room and give you an opportunity to introduce yourself. I cringe at some of the introductions, so poorly delivered and definitely unclear on what they do. And then it comes my turn and I deliver a non-educating 30 second description that no one would have a clue to what I do. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on delivering an introduction that makes people search me out wanting to learn more.
So how I am going to do this? Well, I have an online mentor, Terry Dean, who helps me to learn online marketing and how to apply the skills in the offline business world as well. In a recent blog post of his he wrote about creating an effective elevator speech.
Terry list step-by-step how to write an elevator speech and gives examples that will help you while you create your own. I will be using his tips to give my 30 second speech in the next couple of days. I highly recommend you checking out his blog post if you lack the expertise to get your message across effectively.
To read it for yourself follow this link: Create Your Elevator Speech by Terry Dean
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
10:43 AM
Labels: elevator speech, networking
Monday, September 22, 2008
Believe That Your Goals Will Be Achieved
My mastermind group is presently in the stages of setting goals. One thing that is most important about goal setting is belief in your ability to accomplish the goal.
Believe That Your Goals Will Be Achieved
By Susan P DennyMy favourite author of all time, the great Napoleon Hill (author of "Think and Grow Rich")said in his book:
"There are millions of people who BELIEVE themselves "doomed" to poverty and failure, because of some strange force over which they BELIEVE they have no control. They are the creators of their own "misfortunes," because of this negative BELIEF, which is picked up by the subconscious mind, and translated into its physical equivalent."
This is an appropriate place at which to suggest again that you may benefit, by passing on to your subconscious mind, any DESIRE which you wish translated into its physical, or monetary equivalent, in a state of expectancy or BELIEF that the transmutation will actually take place. Your BELIEF, or FAITH, is the element which determines the action of your subconscious mind."
Someone who practises the virtues of Desire, Belief and Action is Bob Proctor. His rise from the depths of poverty is attributed to these great teachings. However, there are a lot of people out there who don't believe in this "stuff", but that's because they're ignorant.Whenever I set a goal I see myself as being already in possession of it, so that eventually it becomes reality. You can't just wish for something then do nothing and hope it comes true. The way to achieve a goal is to take "action".
Your desire has to be so strong that it dominates your thoughts, and you have to believe that you will succeed. Without belief or faith, all you have is a wish.Napoleon Hill also said: "What the mind believes, it can achieve".
Susan Denny has been happily married for 38 years, has 4 adult children (all married) and 6 grandchildren. She has many years experience with families and relationships and has been involved in the Self Development industry for nearly 20 years, starting with one-on- one training with Bob Proctor in 1990. She has since attended many seminars hosted by world renowned Gurus in the Self Development and Internet Marketing areas.Go to: for more information, tips and ideas.
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
6:37 AM
Labels: goals
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Determining if You Are a Finder, Minder, or Grinder

At a previous event I had seen his presentation and thought it was enlightening in helping small business owners to be aware of the different areas of business and to identify where there strengths and weaknesses are. I will try to recap what Rick shared with us but I am sure I will not do as good as job as he did at the time but I hope you will get the message.
A Finder is the idea maker of the organization. This person is very creative and is necessary to bring in the sales of the company. They are an entrepreneur thinking of ways to make more money.
A Minder thinks in the past. This person is more than likely your accountant or bookkeeper in the business. They are minding the numbers or the store. This person is necessary to ensure you are kept up-to-date on information necessary to succeed in business.
A Grinder is the worker. The busy little bee making sure the job is done. They only see what is in front of them today and what must be accomplished.
All organizations are in need of these three types of profiles in business but in most small businesses the owner tends to try to be all three. This model is based upon a book written by Jerry Mills called The Danger Zone. In some ways it reminds me of the Emyth Revisited theory only in different terminology.
I have read both books and find that the presentation brought about a clearer message than either book but then Rick did a fantastic job in relating it to business because he himself was a business owner who went bankrupt due to not allowing themselves to grow. Grow or die was his final statement to our group.
I can relate to that statement because it is the same within the mastermind group, my business, and my relationships. Isn't it true that any of those will die if we do not feed them or grow them?
Grow or Die...Let's all work on growing
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
1:37 PM
Labels: mastermind group, small business
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Masterminding + Marketing = Success
- Offer a venue for brainstorming for small business owners
- Grow quickly and close the group
- Build relationships and learn from others
The group has not grown as quickly as I had planned or expected. Perhaps my expectations were a little unrealistic but I had always heard and thought there were many business owners out there who were lonely at the top and would appreciate the opportunity to join a group as such. Whatever the reasons, we are still in the growing stage.
My third intention has definitely met my expectations. I have three attending regularly at this time and I thoroughly enjoy the time we spend together as a group. I learn from each as they share their experiences, and as a facilitator, I gladly share information and resources that I believe are beneficial to all.
Marketing for Success
Today our meeting was focused on marketing their businesses. I researched and gathered materials for everyone to share effective methods to market online and offline, locally and nationally. One of the most important details shared today was consistency reaped rewards.
One of the members shared how she sent out direct mail letters weekly. She said it is amazing how many calls she will get six months later telling her they saved her information in case they needed her services.
I cannot stress enough the value of masterminding and brainstorming with others of like-mindedness. The other members have already made a plan to start initiating direct-mail letters in their businesses. The rewards are not just in learning but in applying what you learn.
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
1:10 PM
Labels: brainstorming, marketing, mastermind group
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Identifying Your Missing Pieces
This morning I was reading a recap to a Bible study and it related to how God knows all of the pieces to our puzzles in life because He can see the whole picture and how sometimes we only look at what is presently in front of us instead of keeping our eye on the end result. It got me to thinking about this project I am working on and how puzzling it is and how I need to find the pieces to effectively develop the end result.
How Do You View Your Puzzle
How do you look at the situations around you? Are you looking at it by what is directly in front of you or are you considering the whole picture, the end result?Some people can take one piece of something and visualize something big and wonderful. There are others who hold a piece and can only see the piece and need a visual, like a puzzle box cover, to show us what the outcome will be. Then there are others who think they see the future goal and start on their puzzle and somewhere along the line lose the motivation, determination, or enthusiasm to finish.
One Piece At A Time
Normally you buy the puzzle because you like the finished product. True? That is why I buy one. I like the picture, the colors, everything about it. Why not start looking at your projects with the finished product in mind?If we think of our projects as pieces formed together for an end result, it is easier to identify the puzzle pieces. At present I am working on a project that is almost overwhelming to me. I am creating a product, an ebook with long term plans of offering audios to expound upon the subject. I have decided the topic of the ebook and am presently researching, but when I think about the launch process and what must be done to create a smooth transaction process from Paypal, autoresponders, and so forth, I get overwhelmed. Getting overwhelmed causes procrastination and then the project gets pushed to the side burner.
Now if I apply what I am writing about here, I should visualize the end product (I am seeing it now)...and then figure out the steps or pieces it takes to get there and move forward putting the puzzle together. This thought process goes along with a post I wrote earlier this year, Business Plans: Five Ways To Benefit From Your Road Map. No matter if it is a road map or a puzzle, it has the same concept; determine the end result, identify and plan the steps needed, and implement putting all the pieces together.
Now that I have reaffirmed what I need to do, I am headed to start working on my puzzle again, one piece at a time.
Posted by
Carole DeJarnatt
11:19 AM
Labels: business planning, goals